CoachingDecember 6, 2021by devking0Keys to Leadership Effectiveness

It’s been said, if serving is beneath you, leadership is beyond you”. No matter where
you may serve – at home, in the church or in the marketplace – we desire to make an

Here are a few keys to remember for leadership effectiveness.

Key #1: Service Begins at Home
Dysfunctional people create dysfunctional families. If you are not effective as a
leader at home, you can’t expect to be effective as a leader in the church or
marketplace. Think of ways you are demonstrating leadership excellence at home.
In what ways can you be more intentional about how you prioritize your family

Key #2: To Thine Own Self Be True
Servant leadership is tough because it starts with self-evaluation. Honestly ask
yourself, where am I as a leader? How would you evaluate yourself? What are some
areas of opportunity for improvement in your leadership? Take some time with a
trusted friend or confidant that can offer you developmental feedback in areas
they’ve observed where you could use some improvement. Seriously consider their
feedback and then submit that feedback to GOD in prayer.

Key #3: Great Leaders GROW
No one wants to follow a parked car or a person who isn’t going anywhere. Be a
person who proactively seeks out resources to expand your leadership capacity by
taking an online leadership class, listening to podcasts, or attending a leadership
conference. As you grow your leadership you grow your effectiveness. How are you
investing in your personal development?

Key #4: Great Leaders Serve
Effective leaders know the overall purpose, goals and the agreed upon strategies to
achieve the goals of the ministry they serve. What’s the vision of the ministry?
What’s the mission? In what ways can you contribute through your leadership in
helping the ministry execute against the set vision? Be intentional about giving more
than you consume.

Key #5: Relationships Are the Currency of the Kingdom
When you read the greatest book ever written, the Holy Bible, you’ll observe that
throughout scriptures, relationships are very important to GOD. And if relationships
are important to GOD, relationship building should be important to you.

Key #6: Don’t ever be afraid of making mistakes.
Fact: You WILL make mistakes. No one accidentally stumbles upon greatness.
Leadership development is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. Trust the

Key #7: Consistency Makes Impact
Consistency builds trust. If people don’t trust you, you will lose your influence.
Consistency matters in leadership. Your ability to be consistent speaks to your
credibility. Can you be trusted? Are you faithful?

These are just a few keys leaders should internalize and practice as work to make an
impact in the lives of those they serve.


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